Monday 29 March 2021

My favourite shortcut


in class we are doing some compting skills amd we had to make a poster about or favourite shortcut. this is my one CTRL+SHIFT+QQ

Friday 26 March 2021

Singers Slide - Get CReative


this is my get creative task that I did with bijou. it is a slide about singers and all about them. it includes some of our liked songs in it aswell


Thursday 25 March 2021

Sitting at the front of the gate

 The sun was bright and sparkly. I could hear the cars on the road, waiting at the front gate. People in their cars winding up the windows as they drive past us. I gaze at the glitchy sign trying to forget about the rocks underneath me. A police man in a mufty car pulls up on the opposite side of the riad. He gets out of the car and everyone waves and starts saying “hi!” i can here 2 vague dog barks from behind me. The smell of lynx gradually drifts under my nose. “2 more minutes” The teacher yells. Students from Otaki College run in through the gate. I think they wree doing a block run for P. All of a sudden we were heading back inside. I found an old fanta box on the foot path so I put it on my shoe. Zahrn found an old crusty dusty gumboot and he threw it at my face. “Ow” I said as I was hysterically laughing. We walked back to class and started writing our stories.

Ōtaki College

Friday 19 March 2021

My Wind Vain


Thursday 11 March 2021

Royal Flush Card Game

 Royal Flush Card Game

Why were we outside for a writing assignment? We were all standing in a circle on the courts. I noticed that the  teacher was holding a deck of cards. I could here the cicadas all around me. The sun was hot and the clouds looked like big fluffy pillows. “Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs”. Mrs Tennant was sorting us into teams. We were playing a game! This was a bit of a treat. I was so excited to play a game for s writing task. I knew right after we started playing that we would have to write a recount, how boring! I was in a team with Zoe, Kate and Charlie. As she starts explaining the rules I get pumped to play the game. “Ready, set, GO!”

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Netflix & Disney


Hi everyone! this is my *get creative task for this fortnight. I have made a netflix and disney+ slide with my friend bijou. I was in charge of netflix and Bijou was in charge of disney+. This slide includes some facts about netflix and disney and also some recommendations. I have also done a class vote so make sure to tell me which one you would rather, Netflix or Disney+

*Get creative is a period in the day that we get to let loose and be creative. Our teacher has made it so we can do anything from Minecraft to animal profiles and passion projects. I hope you enjoy looking at my Get creative tasks!

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Introducing me!

Hi my name is Nevaeh, I am a year 8 student at Otaki College. I am 12 years old. 

My favourite colours are purple blue and pink. My favourite sports are Netball and Cheer leading. My favourite subject in school are Dance and Drama, Home Economics, Art, Music and Sewing. My favourite movies are the Harry Potter series and the Titanic. 

I am looking forward to sharing my learning on this platform. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and don’t forget to leave me a comment.