Tuesday 26 October 2021



This is my probability slide. 

Friday 22 October 2021



this is my probability task for this week. I explained the meanings of the probability language. was this helpful?

Wednesday 22 September 2021

Call of the wild chapter 7


This is my Week 9 novel study for Call of the wild, Chapter 7. This week we read the last chapter of call of the wild. Call of the wild has been a great book to read and has very interesting words with great tension and build ups in the writing. Do you have any questions about call of the wild?

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Tract Takashi Murakami Flower


hi, this is my tract post for the week. I drew a takashi murakami anime flower. If you don't know what tract is, it is a app that you can create lots of different things and there are different learning paths that you can follow, like art, cooking, technology, sports and many others. for each task you complete you get coins and you can use those coins to redeem prizes. Have you used tract before? What do you think about it?

Novel Study week 8


this is my novel study for Call Of the Wild. we are reading call of the wild in class and it is a cool book. I did my research project on Santa Clara valley. this week we were looking about making inferences.
have you read call of the wild before?

Thursday 9 September 2021

colour push get creative


This is my colour push art for lockdown get creative. Colour push is a website that you can use to create water colour type arts. this is the one that I made. They also give you a time limit so you have under 60 seconds or something like that to create a picture. Have you ever used this website?

Sunday 22 August 2021

Lockdown cooking

 We went into lock down this week and I have been doing cooking every day. Today I made Eggs Benedict with home made hollandaise sauce for breakfast. Yesterday I made hotcakes for breakfast and Lemon honey and blueberry muffins. For dinner in Thursday night I made lasagne and a vanilla cake for desert. Today I also made cinnamon donuts with my brother. Which one do you think looks the best?

Tuesday 10 August 2021



This is Tract. Tract is a website that we have been using in our class instead of doing get creative. Tract is something that you can create things to post on your profile and then get coins for doing tasks. The more coins you get, the more prizes you can get. A certain amount of coins can plant a tree or feed a child. The biggest prize is getting to be CEO for the day! 

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Call of the wild - Alaska research project


For this weeks task, I did a research project on Alaska. We predicted that it was set in Alaska so me and bijou decided to make a passion project/ research project on Alaska. Have you learnt anything about Alaska from my slide? :) 

Friday 30 July 2021

Call of the wild - novel

 The first week after the holidays, we are starting read novels. we got to pick out of 4 different novels. I chose one called call of the wild. Call of the wild is about a man who wants to be alone in the wild until he meets a dog. This dog becomes the mans best friend. I am so excited to start reading this book. If you want to check out the trailer click here 
would you be interesyed in this kind of book?

Monday 5 July 2021

angles in the real world


This is my teaching slide on angles in the real world, over the past week we have been learning about angles. do you know anything about angles?

Friday 2 July 2021

Our Rocket Launching!!


For the last term we have been looking at rockets. We looked at how to make bottle rockets. We all got to choose groups for our rockets. In my group was Chloe, Danielle, Summer, Bijou, Zoe and me. We first did a test flight to measure our rocket psi (pressure) and our water measurements. Then we started to create our rockets. Today we did the last flight and it was a competition of who could get theirs the highest. What do you know about rockets? Do you have any interest in rockets?

Wednesday 30 June 2021

List 29 spelling crossword


for our spelling this week we had to make a crossword with the list words from our book.  If you want to see if you can figure it out. have you ever done a crossword before?

Wednesday 16 June 2021

A𝐫𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐚 G𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞 - P𝐒𝐜𝐀 𝐚 P𝐚𝐭𝐑


This is my Ariana Grande Pick a Path story. We had to make a pick a path story this week for writing, feel free to try it out. Which is your favourite ending?

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Animal Habitats Research cards


For my research cards this week i chose to do the animal habitats one. we had 4 different habitats and had to find 5 different animals that live in the habitat. are any of your favourite animals in here?

Friday 11 June 2021

Get creative


For get creative over the past couple weeks, me and Bijou have been creating a YouTube channel. If you want to go check it out click here. What are some things you would like to see us post?

Tuesday 8 June 2021

5 Way of well being


For Hauora we made a presentation for the 5 ways of well being. Me and Bijou did a joint slide. 

Friday 4 June 2021

Maths times table challenge

Miss said we had to learn our timetables and she made it fun by not doing it in our books. She gave us a list of 44 different ways to remember them. this is the one that I made.

when I made the flower I learnt them as I was writing them down.
What times tables do you struggle with?

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Cheese research project


this is my research project on cheese. we had to pick a topic for our research cards and i picked the cheese one.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Rocket Information report

 Did you know that a typical rocket produces more than a million pounds of thrust that allows it to carry more than 6,000 pounds? Topping speeds of 22,000 mph. The topic of this information report is rockets. I will cover 3 topics, Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 and the parts of a rocket and how it works. 

Neil Alden Armstrong was an American astronaut and aeronautical engineer. Neil Armstrong was also the first person to walk on the moon. He was also a naval aviator test pilot and university professor. Neil Armstrong died on August 25th 2012. After suffering a cardiac tear when placing a wire, routinely placed on the surface of his heart during cardiac bypass surgery, was removed and he suffered from bleeding.

Apollo 11 is a story well documented. But with so many people involved in the mission and the immense influence of the moon landing, a few facts have fallen into relative obscurity. Here are a few facts about the Apollo 11 rocket. Apollo 11 was the first flight to send people to the moon. It was done by NASA, the American space agency. It went up to space on 16 July 1969, (exactly 41 years before my brother was born!), carrying three astronauts. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.

What are the parts of a rocket? A rocket is made of 4 main parts: the nose cone, fins, rocket body and the engine. A nose cone is the conically shaped forward most section of a rocket, guided missile or aircraft, designed to modulate on coming airflow behaviour and minimise aerodynamic drag. Fins are used on smaller rockets to provide stability and control direction. The purpose of the rocket body is to house the fuel. It is often in the form of a hollow cylinder because it reduces the amount of surface area that is in contact with the air. Finally, the engine of the rocket, A rocket engine uses stored rocket propellants as the reaction mass for forming a high speed propulsion jet of fluid, usually high tempered gas.

Hope you liked my information report and learned about rockets and how they work and some interesting facts about them. If you have any questions comment down below. 

Monday 24 May 2021

My favourite Olympic sport

this is my research project. I did it on cheerleading cause that is my favourite olympic sport. Cheerleading will be introduced into the 2024 olympics in paris

Friday 14 May 2021

π™Ώπš’πš—πš” πšœπš‘πš’πš›πš π™³πšŠπš’ - π™ΆπšŽπš πšŒπš›πšŽπšŠπšπš’πšŸπšŽ


This week I did 2 get creative tasks. I did a Matariki slide and a Pink Shirt Day!  pink shirt day is an anti bullying/ cyber bullying day were people wear pink to support anti bullying. I made a slide/presentation about pink shirt day... ENJOY!!

Thursday 13 May 2021

Matariki Slide show


For Get creative, me and zoe did a slide about Matariki. Because as we know Matariki is the Maori new year. ENijoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Friday 7 May 2021

My 15 minute writing challenge!

 I’m sitting here worrying about nothing, well that’s what my mum tells me. I’m walking around the waiting room at the dentist. I can feel a sweat drop dripping down my face. I am absolutely freaking out. Surely I’m not the only kid that hates the dentist. I’ve already been for a checkup, now I’m on the emergency list. I mean, I look after my teeth and all so whats wrong? After I get my teeth ripped out and drilled in, maybe I can get a milk shake. I guess that’s the only good thing about going to the dentist, when my parents feel sorry for me cause I’m in so much pain so they treat me with good food and movies. My brother literally never brushes his teeth and apparently he still has better teeth than me. I eat healthy (sort of) but you should see all the junk food he eats. I always cried at the dentist cause I am a massive sook. Last time I went to the dentist I had perfect teeth, but now I guess we turned on the wrong path. I have heard that root canals hurt like crazy so that just makes me even more nervous. I have been working myself up all day about this appoinment and I am going absolutely insane. I think that’s the reason that I haven’t been very focused. The door opens and my dentist comes out. “Nevaeh Lawton, I’m ready to see you now”. 

Thursday 15 April 2021



This is my get creative task for this week. I made a rating emojis slide which is basically just getting photos of emojis and rating the 1-10. I saw this trend on tiktok so I did it.

Pin wheel turbines

Pin wheel turbine

In class we have been looking into wind. We have been recently learning about turbines and how pin wheels have the same circular motion as a turbine. The wind makes the blades of the turbine spin at the speed that the wind is moving. We have done a quiz and written an information report on wind and a wind phenomenon.

Have you seen a wind turbine before? If so, where in New Zealand have you seen a wind turbine?

Monday 29 March 2021

My favourite shortcut


in class we are doing some compting skills amd we had to make a poster about or favourite shortcut. this is my one CTRL+SHIFT+QQ

Friday 26 March 2021

Singers Slide - Get CReative


this is my get creative task that I did with bijou. it is a slide about singers and all about them. it includes some of our liked songs in it aswell


Thursday 25 March 2021

Sitting at the front of the gate

 The sun was bright and sparkly. I could hear the cars on the road, waiting at the front gate. People in their cars winding up the windows as they drive past us. I gaze at the glitchy sign trying to forget about the rocks underneath me. A police man in a mufty car pulls up on the opposite side of the riad. He gets out of the car and everyone waves and starts saying “hi!” i can here 2 vague dog barks from behind me. The smell of lynx gradually drifts under my nose. “2 more minutes” The teacher yells. Students from Otaki College run in through the gate. I think they wree doing a block run for P. All of a sudden we were heading back inside. I found an old fanta box on the foot path so I put it on my shoe. Zahrn found an old crusty dusty gumboot and he threw it at my face. “Ow” I said as I was hysterically laughing. We walked back to class and started writing our stories.

Ōtaki College

Friday 19 March 2021

My Wind Vain


Thursday 11 March 2021

Royal Flush Card Game

 Royal Flush Card Game

Why were we outside for a writing assignment? We were all standing in a circle on the courts. I noticed that the  teacher was holding a deck of cards. I could here the cicadas all around me. The sun was hot and the clouds looked like big fluffy pillows. “Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs”. Mrs Tennant was sorting us into teams. We were playing a game! This was a bit of a treat. I was so excited to play a game for s writing task. I knew right after we started playing that we would have to write a recount, how boring! I was in a team with Zoe, Kate and Charlie. As she starts explaining the rules I get pumped to play the game. “Ready, set, GO!”

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Netflix & Disney


Hi everyone! this is my *get creative task for this fortnight. I have made a netflix and disney+ slide with my friend bijou. I was in charge of netflix and Bijou was in charge of disney+. This slide includes some facts about netflix and disney and also some recommendations. I have also done a class vote so make sure to tell me which one you would rather, Netflix or Disney+

*Get creative is a period in the day that we get to let loose and be creative. Our teacher has made it so we can do anything from Minecraft to animal profiles and passion projects. I hope you enjoy looking at my Get creative tasks!

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Introducing me!

Hi my name is Nevaeh, I am a year 8 student at Otaki College. I am 12 years old. 

My favourite colours are purple blue and pink. My favourite sports are Netball and Cheer leading. My favourite subject in school are Dance and Drama, Home Economics, Art, Music and Sewing. My favourite movies are the Harry Potter series and the Titanic. 

I am looking forward to sharing my learning on this platform. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and don’t forget to leave me a comment. 

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Athletics day recount

Athletics Day

I was waiting in line for the long jump at my schools athletics day. I could here everyone talking around me. I felt nervous, as though I didn’t know what I was doing. I could feel the hot sun on my neck. The person in front of me ran and jumped, they did very well. That made my stomach churn even more. The teachers finished raking the sand out and I ran. It was a short run but I still felt the breeze run through my hair. I passed over the jumping pad. It felt like sandpaper on my feet. And then I jumped, my feet hit the sand, it was soft and warm. The second I stepped on the grass I got an instant shock from my toes to my knees. I went to sit down on the grass. They asked if I wanted to jump again. I definitely said no because I did not want to do that again. It wasn’t the best feeling in the world but I guess it was worth the house point.

Long jump athlete silhouette - Transparent PNG & SVG vector file